Memphis Spirit Recruitment
The University of Memphis Spirit Squads are making a significant shift by adopting a hybrid recruitment model, marking a new era for the program starting in October of 2024. Athletes will be chosen throughout the season at our clinics to be recruited directly to our roster for the 2025-2026 season. Traditionally, The Spirit Squads have hosted an in-person tryout each year to pick our roster for the next season. With this model, while all athletes are welcome to try out, only preselected individuals will be officially committed to the team and our remainder spots will be chosen at tryouts. This approach allows the program to maintain an inclusive atmosphere, while simultaneously ensuring that the most dedicated and talented dancers are identified early on. This change is exciting for our program, as it streamlines the recruitment process, while elevating and enhancing opportunities for our program.

The Process:
After attending a University of Memphis Dance/Cheer clinic, you may be eligible to receive an email within 48 hours of the clinic. This official email will be offering you a rostered spot to be a member of the 2025-2026 team. If you accept the offer, you will then have 7 days to complete the commitment/intent form.
A social media announcement will be made announcing your commitment, and you will receive other need to know details.
Attend one of our in-person clinics. (We have two upcoming clinics : Oct 20, 2024 or in March 2025. March clinic date TBD.)
Must fill out our prospect form prior to attending an in-person clinic.
Must be admitted to the University of Memphis and submit your acceptance letter via email
Must sign commitment/intent form within 7 days of receipt
Must maintain GPA, dance requirements and expectations through high school graduation
(Pom Squad and Ambush Crew only) Must perform a one minute solo at our tryout each year as an official recruit performance and attend our first official team meeting.
Cheer tryouts will be mandatory for all recruits. They will be required to perform the fihgt song at the in-person tryout
Recruitment Timeline
OCTOBER 19-20, 2024
(Fall clinic, campus tour, and football game)
We will be holding our annual fall prospect clinic, select recruits will join us on the field at the football game (chosen at the coaches discretion prior to the weekend), and offering a campus tour for all dancers and family. Register now on our site!
NOVEMBER 1, 2024
(Recruitment status email)
Clinic participants interested in being recruited will receive an email on the status of their recruitment by this date. If you accept the offer, you will then have 7 days to complete the commitment/intent form.
APRIL 7, 2025
(Registration opens)
The registration period for the fall 2025 semester will begin. Check the University of Memphis website for more information on enrollment.
May 9, 10, & 11, 2025
(2025-2026 Tryouts!)
Memphis Pom and Ambush Crew in-person tryouts. All committed recruits are required to perform a one minute solo alongside of our dancers auditioning on May 11. Our first team meeting will also be held the evening of May 11th.
Cheer tryouts will be mandatory for all recruits. They will be required to perform the fight song at the in-person tryout.
Do recruits get scholarships?
Scholarships are available but not guaranteed. All scholarships will be at the discretion of the coaches and Spirit Coordinator.
What if I don’t get recruited?
If you are not chosen as a recruit at our clinics, please do not worry! We will still be holding in person auditions for all other remainder spots for our 2025-2026 season in May!
If I get recruited will I have to re-audition each year?
Returning members are required to re-audition each year, except for those that are recruited directly to the team. Once you’re recruited directly to the team, you will no longer need to re-audition each season unless otherwise directed by coaches. {note: returning recruits will be required to attend the tryout and possibly participate in the solo round (dance) and fight song (cheer).}