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2024-2025 Memphis Spirit Squads
Tryout Application

Which team will you be trying out for?
Classification for fall 2024:
I, the understand that it is necessary for me to have medical insurance to be permitted to tryout and participate in the Spirit Squad Program at THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS. The Athletic Department has permission to check my grade point average for the purpose of tryouts and to continue to check each semester while I am participating in this program. If for any reason I am dismissed from the squad or fail maintain my full-time status (12 hours) or a 2.0, I understand my scholarship monies must be reimbursed to The University of Memphis Spirit Department. 

Please list two cheer/dance references:

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Application Submitted!

The University of Memphis Pom Squad
The University of Memphis Ambush Crew
The University of Memphis Coed Cheer team

Our Sponsors

Regional One Health sponsor
901 fund sponsor
ATC Fitness sponsor
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